Saturday, July 9, 2016

Keen Saturday #2

Hello everyone and welcome to the second post in my Keen Saturday series! Today I will be featuring Instagram user pao.heng.ai_ , who is from Taiwan. She likes to wear socks with her keens because she doesn't like being barefoot and there are more outfit options with socks. The only time she doesn't wear socks is if it is raining outside. So without further or do here are the pictures.

Thank you pao.heng.ai_ for sending me these picture and allowing me to feature you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Teva Tuesday #6

Hello everyone and welcome to the sixth post in the Teva Tuesday series. Today I will be featuring Instagram user kayanto from Hong Kong. She wears her Tevas with socks when it is cold and usually without socks when it is hot. She says that they are comfortable and perfect for her casual outfits. Both her and her friends love wearing Tevas, especially the black ones. So without further or do here are the pictures.

Thank you kayanto for sending these pictures and allowing me to use them!